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Law Office of Keith R. Miles, LLC

In What Ways Can I Help You?

1. Health and Personal Care Planning
Are you experiencing health problems and may need to consider who will make decisions for you? Are you concerned about making sure your end-of-life decisions are respected and followed? Are you or loved one at a point where professional caregiver services are needed

2. Pre-Mortem Legal Planning.
Are you a parent of minor children that you worry about if you are not there? Are you a blended family and you want to make sure all members are included in the plan (or make sure are specifically not included)? Do you want to leave a legacy for your children and grandchildren through a trust? Are you concerned about losing capacity due to dementia, stroke, or other situation? Are you wealthy and concerned of losing a substantial amount of your estate due to income, estate and gift taxes?

3. Fiduciary Representation.
Are you serving in a special role as the executor or administrator over the estate of someone who has passed and need help to complete your duties? Are you the power of attorney agent for someone who has lost capacity and are not sure what you can or cannot do? Do you need to perform tasks for someone that lacks capacity and need to get guardianship or conservatorship by a court? Are you the trustee of someone else’s trust and need to know what your obligations and responsibilities are?

4. Legal Capacity Counseling.
Are you trying to determine whether or not someone still has legal capacity to execute various documents such as power of attorney, will or trust?

5. Public Benefits Advice.
Are you worried that you may not have enough savings if you have medical problems? Do you need assistance understanding how to qualify and apply for Medicaid to assist with the cost of your long-term care? Do you have Medicare and do not understand the various coverage options? Do you need to understand what disability means under the Social Security rules? Are you a Veteran that is eligible for Veterans pension benefits and need to understand how to plan your income and assets to qualify for eligibility?

6. Special Needs Counseling.
Are you in need of SSI and/or Medicaid and worry about disqualification due to a personal injury settlement, inheritance or other source of funding? Are you are parent or other family member that wants to plan for a children or other loved one that has special needs using your funds to take care of them?

7. Advice on Insurance Matters.
Do you have questions about long-term care insurance, life insurance, annuities and other insurance products that may affect your ability to take care of yourself and your family?

8. Resident Rights Advocacy.
Do you have a loved one whom you are concerned about securing their placement in a facility? Are you being presented with admission agreements that you would like to have reviewed for a better understanding of the risks? Do you have a loved one who is being threatened with a discharge and you want to know their rights?

9. Housing Counseling.
Are you considering reverse mortgages and want to understand the pros and cons?

10. Employment and Retirement Advice.
Do you have retirement plans and pensions that are critical to your financial health that you need to understand better from an estate planning and tax point of view?

11. Counseling with regard to age and/or disability discrimination.
Have you been discriminated against due to your age or disability and need to understand your rights?

12. Litigation and Administrative Advocacy.
Do you desire to contest a Will that has been presented to the Court for a loved one? Are you concerned about elder abuse (including financial or consumer fraud) against a loved one? Do you have someone that you are concerned has been the victim of bad treatment at a nursing home?

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