Medicare is constantly evolving to adapt to the needs of older Americans, and several significant changes have been incorporated into the program for 2025.
New Federal Budget Ends Two Spousal Social Security Claiming Strategies
The federal budget agreement that President Obama signed into law November 2, 2015, contains changes to how spouses can claim Social Security benefits, ending two strategies previously used to maximize benefits. The changes may require workers to reconsider their retirement plans or take action before the changes become law.
According to Social Security’s rules, the spouse of a worker cannot claim a spousal benefit unless the worker has applied for Social Security benefits. Currently, a worker is able to file for Social Security benefits and then suspend benefits. This strategy — called “File and Suspend” — allows the worker’s spouse to begin receiving spousal benefits while the worker continues to work. The longer the worker delays retirement, the more delayed retirement credits he or she will receive.
Under the new law, a spouse cannot begin receiving benefits until the worker is actually receiving benefits, too. Workers can still file and suspend, but spouses (or other dependents, including minor and disabled children) cannot receive benefits during the suspension. The law will take effect on April 30, 2016, but it does not affect workers who have already filed and suspended benefits. Workers who are at least 66 or will turn 66 before the effective date of the law may still file and suspend in order to trigger benefits for their spouse.
The law also changes another rule that allows a spouse who takes benefits at full retirement age to choose whether to take spousal benefits or benefits on his or her own record. This strategy – commonly known as “Claim Now, Claim More Later” — allows a higher-earning spouse to claim a spousal benefit at full retirement age. Then at 70, the higher-earning spouse would claim the maximum amount of his or her retirement benefit and stop receiving the spousal benefit.
If you are 62 or older by the end of 2015, you will still be able to choose which benefit you want at your full retirement age. Under the new law, when workers who are not 62 by the end of 2015 apply for spousal benefits, Social Security will assume it is also an application for benefits on the worker’s record. The worker is eligible for the higher benefit, but he or she can’t choose to take just take the spousal benefits and allow his or her own benefits to keep increasing until age 70.
For more information on who is affected by the rules, go here: Contact your elder law attorney or financial advisor to determine if you should take any action before the new rules become law.