Proposed Medicare Bill to Help Seniors With Medical Costs
In the ever-evolving landscape of health care, one critical challenge has been ensuring that Medicare recipients receive the coverage they need without undue financial burdens.
In the ever-evolving landscape of health care, one critical challenge has been ensuring that Medicare recipients receive the coverage they need without undue financial burdens.
Effective September 30, 2024, a new Social Security Administration rule is likely to allow more elders to qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Some current SSI recipients may see an increase in their monthly benefit amount.
Thanks to a new rule recently finalized by the federal government, obtaining and renewing health care coverage under the Medicaid program is set to become easier for millions of Americans.
A promissory note is normally given in return for a loan. Classifying transfers as loans rather than gifts can be useful because it sometimes allows parents to "lend" assets to their children and still maintain Medicaid eligibility.
As the U.S. population ages and life expectancies increase, the need for long-term care is becoming an important consideration for many individuals and families.
Though Medicaid exists to help those who need it, navigating the specifics of what it covers and does not cover can be daunting. Here are highlights on the basics of Medicaid coverage.
As adults age, they may want to remain in their homes and communities for several reasons. For one, remaining in one's own residence preserves independence.
As a spouse, you have the option of claiming a Social Security retirement benefit based on your own earnings record or collecting a spousal benefit equal to half of your spouse's Social Security benefit.
Elder law attorneys understand the challenges of planning long-term care amidst the shifting care environment. Evaluating costs and developing strategies to pay for long-term care before you actually need it is crucial.
Sadly, there are seemingly limitless financial fraud schemes that affect older Americans. The impact of financial abuse is enormous.