Medicare is constantly evolving to adapt to the needs of older Americans, and several significant changes have been incorporated into the program for 2025.
Understand the Difference Between Estate Planning and Elder Law
While everyone needs estate planning, elder law becomes more important as we get older.
Estate Planning is for Everyone
No matter what age we’re in, life can deliver some hard knocks. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. We can get into accidents, especially when we’re young and under the impression that we’ll live forever. Whom would we like to be there for us if we can’t speak for ourselves? If we can’t pay the bills? Decide about our health care?
Both estate planning and elder law attorneys help you choose people you trust to stand in your shoes when you can’t speak for yourself.
As adults, we start families and assemble worldly goods. If we’re thinking realistically, we want to make sure our families are taken care of and who gets our property if the worst happens to us.
We will assist you with long term planning to protect your estate from tax burdens and to avoid the expense and delay of court proceedings.
Elder Law Becomes Important as We Age
Elder law expertise becomes crucial when we get older. We’re living longer, healthier lives – but nobody knows when we or our loved ones will get too sick to make decisions or to live independently.
It’s understandable, but not wise, to postpone thinking about these things. Delay or denial can mean that entire savings get wiped out paying for nursing homes. Misconceptions about government benefits can forfeit eligibility for them. If you want to retire from your own business, do you have a plan for a smooth and profitable transition? What quality of life can you protect? What housing arrangements can be made? What is the wisest allocation of financial resources to protect against as many foreseeable contingencies as possible?
Elder Law attorneys can help you face these difficult questions with your and your families’ best interests at heart. What we know can go far to spare you the distress and anxiety if you were caught unprepared. We know how Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security work. We can help you manage retirement income benefits. We can steer you to financial arrangements necessary if you or a loved one requires long-term nursing care.
These are difficult, complicated questions that require specialized knowledge to answer. We have the experience and expertise to help you plan to enjoy the life you have, plan for when life becomes harder with age, and have something left over for your legacy. Contact our office in Duluth, GA by calling 770-817-7636 or click here to schedule an appointment.
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